Saturday, August 21, 2010

Red, White & Blue Cousins

We spent this 4th of July, as usual with Mom & Dad. My sister and her family were there too, so all the cousins were together. There was a lot of everything: food, games, laughing, crying, dirty clothes, diapers... you name it. People were sleeping in nearly every room of the house. But it was good to be together and the kids really had a good time. (Adults too!)

The weekend started with the Bluegrass 10K - my sister and I both ran. Probably not the smartest move, after we both travelled the entire day before to get there, but we made out OK.

The temperature was unusually mild - and we loved it! We spent a lot of time outside.


Of course you have to have fireworks! The kids all did sparklers after dark until the big fireworks show began. We can see the country club fireworks from Mom & Dad's backyard, so it's the best of both worlds.

Some of my cousins stopped by to watch the fireworks - so by the time the show started we had a yardful!

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