Our homeschool group went on a field trip to Domino's on Friday. We got to go behind-the-scenes, er,
behind-the-counter as to what went on whenever we ordered a pizza. We saw the oven-very hot, 532 degrees! Our guide showed us how employees rounded the crust, (from little doughballs to crust-shaped) spread on the sauce with a
spoodle (combination of a spoon and a ladle) and sprinkled on the cheese, as well as how many pepperoni you put on a small pizza! (25) She also showed us how to fold a pizza box. Then we each got to make our own pizzas-our guide would get the crust, sauce, and cheese ready, and then she turned us loose with the rest. Bud made a plain cheese pizza, Dad made a mushroom-and-sausage pizza, and
I made a double cheese and pepperoni pizza. Our pizzas went in the pizza boxes we had folded. I'm sure you can guess what we had for lunch...
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